Saturday, August 05, 2006

It seems to me that my immunity system is failing me, cos I seem to be one of the regular visitors to the sickbay - at least, that's how I see it. It didn't help that I think I am living in another dimension where all everyone cared about was work, work and MORE WORK. It's getting sicker, to be frank. Sometimes, all you wanna do is to lie down and rest, and not worry about undone homework that's next week and not worry about your mates' problems. What the hell is wrong with me anyway? I seem to be picking a fight with almost everyone who speaks to me. I get angry easily these days. I think it's the monthly woes, but ah well, I hope it dies down soon. I even came this close to breaking a friendship with one of my closest buddies. wth wth wth. PW is draining me and our group has decided to go all on full-mode till OP. Gosh! I even have PW meeting tomorrow after madrasah la..And I have to lug that iBook to madrasah and to Macs after that. Burr..Someone rescue me.

My head is thumping right now, and I feel like throwing up. I guess it's because I have so much things to do that I need to write down a list on things to do. Yeah, I did that again. I drew up a list yesterday in the library, after analysing Act 2.1 for Othello. Ah..And I kept coughing and burying my arms in my sweater, which needs washing, by the way. I'm irritating and I know it. I guessed the person opposite me was kinda distracted. Sorry, but I'm sick.

The only joy was when I sat next to Wei Vien for the Othello workshop. She's my Malaysian Scholar buddy. My first friend in AJ. So, we were basically making jokes and distracting each other. She even distracted me when I was trying to do my History essay. What the hell, Wei Vien-y. You spell disaster to me. And whoever agrees that the Prof from the Lit dept from NUS is boring, please stand and say 'aye'. Thank you.

Now, I better go behave myself and do some good work. Call me geek, nerd, mugger, whatever, thank you so much.

And I'm so happy cos I got my friend back! At least that doesn't sound depressing, eh?