Saturday, May 05, 2007

Holy mosquitoes! Is it Saturday already? Oheiiyhhh, it really is. Time do fly fast, doesn't it? But then again, when has time ever stopped? I felt like a complete, total, utter, dynamic loser this week. I only attended school on Monday and Wednesday, cos Tuesday was Labour Day, or more sophistically known as May Day (it's better to have workers shouting "MAY DAY! MAY DAY!" than "LABOUR DAY! LABOUR DAY!". The latter sounds like cheap labour, and the former sounds like, well, May. Lol. :/), and on Thursday and Friday, had a bout of migraine. Actually, the migraine was under control on Thursday night, but just for the sake of making it 'more complete', I took Friday off. Ahh...bliss....Damn shiok ah, sleeping for like the entire day. But when I woke up, I felt like such a bummer. Wth.

I'm gonna have a BNW test on Monday, and fundamentalist test on Wednesday. Holy bananas! How the heck am I to do that????

Dad's gonna take us watch Phantom of the Opera. Weehhooo!!! It's a beautiful piece by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Darn good, I'm tellin' ya. Go watch it if you've got the time and cash. I had to scrimp to pay part of the cost of the ticket, mind you. I think it's better than sitting at Fort Canning Park, watching A Midsummer Night's Dream. Better than being stung by God-Knows-What, eh?

The test anxiety management workshop just now was a complete waste of time. For three whole damn hours, we had to listen to some really unmotivational speaker talk about his achievements, and how to make ourselves more hypnopaediac. Gaahh..Breathing techniques are supposed to calm you down? While I can vouch for that, I ain't sure that it can totally ward off all the anxiety we're experiencing before tests. And oh, did I mention that the reason why I didn't do so well during the promos was because I didn't really study? And not that I had test anxiety?

Parents and I had a real good talk about my future. Apparently, I'm supposed to do well enough to get myself a place in the Law School. What shrooms! That would mean getting an A for GP (not that impossible) and doing well for the others. I'll try, but if I should ever fail to be an apprentice, or even get my butt into Law School, I'm going to dive straight into Cognitive Psychology. But Law School's the first option, trust me on that. :D
