Thursday, May 31, 2007

Woah. I'm relieved. I finally managed to dig up the oh-so-old notes and whatnots and filed them neatly in ring files. I was thinking long-term, you see. So that I can get organized before I get started on any revision. Actually, I wouldn't have filed if I wanted to look and hunt for all my Math notes. Ahaha...strategic planning, I see...

It was a good start to the day. Woke up at 6.30am, prayed, and went jogging at the park at 7am. The air was clean, I must say. There were a lot of oldies briskwalking and a few dogs running. It was nice. I plan to jog early in the morning from now on. So that I can buy lots of nice clothes (not that I don't have any right now) before I embark on another journey next year.

Speaking of journeys, I'm off to Sydney! Bye!