Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Self-chuck of the day: Was listening to the radio on the way home from work today. The DJ was asking for callers to call in and talk about their most memorable experiences. Then, a few minutes later, a caller by the name of Aisyah called in, and the DJ thought that this was the Aisyah who is a ghostbuster. Asked her whether is she really the ghostbuster Aisyah, the woman said no, and then said, "But I have encounters with ghosts before." She then went on to talk about her ghost moments, and she swears that she saw a ghost without a body once, without legs once, and without a head once. DJ asked again, "Why are you always seeing deformed ghosts?" ---WALLS

I'm pretty tired already. I feel rather exhausted by the time it hits 8.30pm, even I couldn't concentrate on Deal or No Deal. Haha. And it was the Hunks special. Looking back, the hunks weren't really THAT hot. They are in fact, normal mats on the streets. That's it to that.

You know I always have this habit of putting on a ring as an accessory on my fourth finger? Yeah. Some kid in school came up to me, and asked me, "Cikgu, cikgu dah tunang eh? Hari tu saya nampak cikgu balik naik kereta." Lol. When did I ever return home in a car? And I'm not even engaged, for Pete's sake! And I don't intend to in the next few years. ---WALLA.

Baby, I could tell that we're heading for even greater things. Why not just get on with it?

*Whatever I've said in italics are part of my imagination. It has nothing to do with my life. Really.

By the way, some personality test I took said that I am in need of a sensitive guy who reads Shakespeare to me every night. ---WALLS---Who wants Shakespeare's stories as bedtime stories? My ears bleed when I hear 'em. Metaphorically, not literally, of course.

And I haven't seen you in years. I can't go without letting you know.
How much I yearn for you.
How I dream of you day and night.
The heart aches every time I hear some voice - -
Telling me that it's you --
Tell me it really is you. . .